
E-mail: first initial (dot) last name (at) imperial (dot) ac (dot) uk
1 Oct 2024. I joined Imperial College London’s Department of Mathematics and I-X as a Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning. Looking forward to the collaborations ahead!
13-15 December 2023. Join us for our upcoming summer school: Escuela de Verano en Inteligencia Computational EVIC.
1 November 2023. See our preprint Asynchronous Graph Generators arXiv.
Research group
My group is called GAMES (Grupo de Aprendizaje de Máquinas, infErencia y Señales). Luckily enough, and up to a minor permutation, the acronym seems to also work in English as Group of MAchine learning, infErence and Signals. Current members are
- Arturo Tagle (MSc, Data Science): The free energy principle
- Cristóbal Alcázar (MSc, Data Science): Guidance in difussion models
- Camila Andreas (MSc, Data Science): Optimal transport and fariness
- Joaquín Barceló (MSc, Data Science): Difussion models and RL
- Camilo Carvajal (MSc, Data Science): Safe sampling difussion models
- Juan Cuevas (MSc, Data Science): Attention networks for time series
- Diego Cortéz (MSc, Data Science): ML for genomics
- Fernando Fetis (MSc, Data Science): Difussion models
- Camila Pinto (MSc, Data Science): Graphical models applied to career choices in STEM
- Gianina Salomó (MSc, Data Science): LLMs for gender-aware contexts
- Stefano Schiappacasse (MSc, Data Science): Audio processing for conservation of manatees
Former members:
- Tomás Valencia, now Data Scientist at PSInet
- Bruno Moreno, now Data Scientist at Consorcio
- Sebastián López, now at PUC
- Elsa Cazelles, now CNRS Researcher at IRIT
- Jou Hui Ho, now Data Scientist at Cero.ai
- Taco de Wolff, Founder DeWolff Consulting
- Matías Altamirano, now PhD student in Statistical Science at UCL
- Alejandro Cuevas, now Data Scientist at NoiseGrasp
- Mauricio Campos, now Data Scientist at Coca-Cola
- Gonzalo Ríos, now Senior Data Scientist at NoiseGrasp
- Lerko Araya, now Data Scientist at Liberty Latin America
- Iván Castro, now Data Scientist at Amazon Web Services
- Rodrigo Lara, now Data Scientist at PROSPERiA
- Gabriel Parra, now Data Scientist at AutoFact
Short Bio
Felipe Tobar is an Associate Professor at Universidad de Chile and the Director of the Initiative for Data and Artificial Intelligence of the same Institution. He holds Researcher positions at the Center for Mathematical Modeling and the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Prior to joining Universidad de Chile, Felipe was a postdoc at the Machine Learning Group, University of Cambridge, during 2015 and he received a PhD in Signal Processing from Imperial College London in 2014. Felipe’s research interests lie in the interface between Machine Learning and Statistical Signal Processing, including approximate inference, Bayesian nonparametrics, spectral estimation, optimal transport and Gaussian processes. Felipe teaches graduate courses on Machine Learning and Statistics and between 2020 and 2022 was the Coordinator of the Master of Data Science at Universidad de Chile.
Photos: Color, Color-low-res, BW, BW-low-res