- Ph.D. in signal processing, Imperial College London (2014)
- M.Sc in control systems, Universidad de Chile (2010)
- B.Sc in electrical engineering, Universidad de Chile (2007)
Employment history and affiliations
- Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning. Department of Mathematics & I-X, Imperial College London
- Associate Professor. Initiative for Data & AI, Universidad de Chile (part time, since 10/2024)
- Associate Researcher. Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Eng. (since 3/2020)
- Associate Professor. Initiative for Data & AI, Universidad de Chile (full time, 6/2021 - 9/2024)
- Director, Initiative for Data and Artificial Intelligence (5/2022 - 9/2024)
- Associate Researcher. Center for Mathematical Modeling (8/2015 - 9/2024)
- Assistant Professor. Department of Mathematical Engineering, Universidad de Chile (10/2018 - 6/2020)
- Research Associate. Machine Learning Group, University of Cambridge (8/2014 - 8/2015)
- Coordinator, Master of Data Science. Universidad de Chile (3/2020 - 4/2021)
- Visiting Scientist at IRIT (Jan-Feb 2022)
Grants (as PI only)
- Google’s AI for Social Good (2023) A Machine Learning Approach to better understand and protect Marine Mammals in Latin America and the Caribbean: the case of the manatee”.
- Google Award for Inclusion Research (2023) Data Science at the service of gender equality in STEM education: A case study at Universidad de Chile’s School of Engineering
- ANID Fondecyt Regular (2021-2025). Advances on generative models for statistical machine learning: theory and practice
- Google Latin American Research Award (2022). EEG Seizure Detectors: Towards Generalization & Interpretability
- Google Latin American Research Award (2021). Detection of neonatal seizures from EEG: A continual & multi-channel approach
- ANID Fondecyt Iniciación (2017-2020). On the relationship between Gaussian process regression and spectral estimation
- ANID-PAI Apoyo al Retorno (2016-2017). Machine learning meets signal processing: multivariate adaptive estimation
- ANID Becas Chile (2010-2014), PhD at Imperial College. Kernel methods for signal processing*