Después de un mes de pausa, tenemos el gusto de anunciarles la última sesión del Coloquio DIM del año, a realizarse el próximo día Martes 28 de Noviembre a las 16:30.

En esta oportunidad recibiremos a nuestra querida colega y profesora Rayssa Caju (DIM), con mediación del profesor Michal Kowalczyk.

El coloquio tendrá lugar en la sala de seminarios John Von Neumann del CMM, 7° piso, y al finalizar bajamos al DIM (5° piso) para confraternizar y disfrutar de un cóctel para confraternizar como es de costumbre.


Abstract: Originating in the 18th century, minimal surfaces are one of the most studied objects in the area of Differential Geometry, finding applications in diverse fields such as general relativity, architecture, biology, and many others. Strong connections between the theory of minimal surfaces and an equation modeling phase-transition phenomena, called Allen-Cahn equation, were established in the 70s. Our central purpose in this talk is to delve deeply into this connection and discuss recent developments and conjectures regarding these relevant topics in the area of geometric analysis.