Seminario EDP

Seminario EDP

March 11th at 16:15 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala de Seminario (fifth floor), Beauchef 851.

Title: The logarithmic Sobolev inequality and the Sobolev inequality in large dimensions

Abstract: The logarithmic Sobolev inequality can be considered as the infinite dimensional limit of the Sobolev inequality.

Seminario EDP

Seminario EDP

Martes 16 de enero 2024 a las 12:00 hrs.Sala John Von Neumann,  CMM 7mo piso, Torre Norte de Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Yvan Martel (UVSQ, Francia)

Title: Asymptotic stability of small solitary waves for the one-dimensional cubic-quintic Schrödinger equation

Seminario EDP

Lunes 15 de enero 2024 a las 12:00 hrs.Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Nicolás Torres (U. de Granada, España)

Title: A qualitative analysis of an Aβ-monomer model with inflammation processes for Alzheimer’s disease.

Seminario EDP

Lunes 11 de Diciembre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker:  Marie Fialová

Title: Undestanding the APS boundary condition for the zero modes of the Dirac operator.

Seminario EDP

Lunes 04 de Diciembre 2023 a las 12:00 hrs. Sala de seminarios piso 5, Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Noemi David (UCBL, Francia)

Title: Singular limits arising in mechanical models of tumor growth

Seminario EDP

Monday, November 27th at 12:00 hs (Santiago time) in the Sala de Seminarios (fifth floor), Beauchef 851.

Speaker: Prof. Oscar Riaño (Unal, Bogotá)

Title: Stability and instability for the fractional KdV equation in all spatial dimensions