NCCA - Applets
first applet
is for dimension 1, and allows the simulation of
both CA and PA (particle automata) rules. At the left, you can
customize the simulation arena. At the bottom, you enter the rules.
If the CA is number-conserving, the program fills the PA box with
its motion representation. The text boxes at the bottom are, from
left to right, for the number of states, the left and right radii,
the rule, then comes the button, and then a shift that can be added.
The rules can be introduced with a code (preceded by "#") or, in
the case of PA, through a motion representation. The particles at
the origin are followed with "?", and the destinations with
"!". For instance, 1?0! will produce the PA rule corresponding
to CA rule #184, where a particle moves to the right if there is
an empy site there. Some output is produced and written in the
Java Console (whose location is system-dependent).
However, I doubt that anyone will be able to use this applet
without better instructions, which I will write soon. There are
some bugs to be fixed, too.
In the second applet
you can see all the
two-dimensional NCCA for small neighbourhoods and few states.
You don't need to put them into the applet; they are already there.
Just switch between the different rule neighbourhood shapes, and
between the different rules. The colour of the cells denotes the
number of particles in them.
third applet
displays all the 2-state PA with von Neumann's neighbourhood
(their rule is shown at the top-right corner), and some
with Moore's neighbourhood (in this case, the top-right corner
shows the proportion of particles moving in each direction). In
this applet some colours are associated to the particles at the
beginning according to their positions, in order to appreciate
their movements.
Last updated: June 22, 2003. © Andrés Moreira