Short Vita: Felipe Alvarez

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática (DIM)

Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (FCFM)

Universidad de Chile

Av. Blanco Encalada 2120, Piso 5, Of. 533

Santiago, Chile

(+56 2) 978 4659

Felipe Alvarez was born in 1972. He has published more than 20 papers in international research journals in the field of Optimization and Dynamical Systems, with more than 140 citations according to ISI. He has been particularly interested in the theoretical connections between continuous-time dissipative dynamics and convergent iterative algorithms for solving convex programming problems. He has promoted international research collaborations with France and co-organized several international meetings. He has given invited talks at important international conferences of his field. He has been the thesis advisor of 3 PhD students in Mathematical Modeling, who currently hold faculty or postdoctoral positions at different Chilean universities. Besides his work in basic research he has also been attracted by applied problems from the Mining Industry. Thus, since 2007, he is the Deputy Director of the Laboratory on Mathematical Modeling for Geomechanics (MMGeo Lab) of the Center of Mathematical Modelling (CMM) of Universidad de Chile. This Laboratory is mainly supported by contracts with CODELCO (Chile's state-owned copper company), with researchers coming from several Departments of the FCFM: Math. Eng., Physics, Geology, Civil Eng., Mining Eng. and Mechanical Eng. With the collaboration of a team of engineers and research assistants, they have investigated new mathematical models and developped computational tools to assist the decision-making process for underground mining operations. He has already been seriously engaged in high level administrative duties. Indeed he was Chair of the Mathematical Engineering Department of the FCFM (2006- 2008) as well as Scientific Director of the Millennium Science Institute on Complex Engineering Systems (2007-2010). The latter is an interdisciplinary center for excellence hosted by the FCFM and funded by MIDEPLAN, which gathers about 30 tenured researchers in the areas of Operations Research, Transportation, Power Systems, Industrial Organization and Mathematics. He is also member of the Faculty Positions Advisory Committee of FCFM (2009- present), and of the Mathematics and Statistical Sciences Advisory Committee for the Graduate Scholarship Program of CONICYT (2008-present).


Professional Experience:

Other Duties/Appointments – Last 5 years:



Selected Publications (6 out of 23 papers):

  1. On the minimizing property of a second order dissipative system in Hilbert space. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 38 (2000), No. 4, 1102-1119. Times cited (ISI): 36.

  2. An inertial proximal method for maximal monotone operators via discretization of a nonlinear oscillator with damping (with H. Attouch). Set-Valued Analysis, Vol. 9 (2001), 3-11. Times cited (ISI): 35.

  3. Weak convergence of a relaxed and inertial hybrid projection-proximal point algorithm for maximal monotone operators in Hilbert space. SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 14 (2004), 773-782. Times cited (ISI): 14.

  4. A second-order gradient-like dissipative dynamical system with Hessian driven damping. Application to optimization and mechanics (with H. Attouch, J. Bolte & P. Redont). Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Vol. 81 (2002), No. 8, 747-779. Times cited (ISI): 13.

  5. A dynamical system associated with Newton's method for parametric approximations of convex minimization problems (with J.M. Pérez). Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Vol. 38 (1998), 193-217. Times cited (ISI): 11.

  6. A unifying local convergence result for Newton’s method in Riemannian manifolds (with J. Bolte & J. Munier). Foundations of Computational Mathematics. Vol. 8 (2008), No. 2, 197-226. Times cited (ISI): 6.


Selected Scientific Meetings and Conferences – Last 5 years: