maya stein              

Full professor (profesora titular) at the Department of Mathematical Engineering and deputy director of the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CNRS IRL 2807), Universidad de Chile, Santiago.

We launched a new open access journal, Innovations in Graph Theory !


Individual research grants:

    FONDECYT Regular 1221905: Trees, paths and cycles, 2022-2026 (ranked 1st among 90 applications in Mathematics)

    FONDECYT Regular 1183080: Trees, degrees and colours, 2018-2022

    FONDECYT Regular 1140766: Structural and extremal graph theory, 2014-2018

    FONDECYT Iniciación 11090141: Problemas in extremal graph theory, 2009-2013 (ranked 1st among the applications in Mathematics)

Group grants:

    Deputy Director ANID Proyecto Fondo Basal CMM (2021-26, Director H. Ramírez)

    Principal Investigator ANID "Apoyo a Centros de Excelencia" ACE210010 del CMM (2021-22)

    Chilean PI for European Union Horizon 2020 RISE grant: RANDNET- Randomness and Learning in Networks (2021-25, Director Marc Noy, UPC)

    International Director of MathAmSud 20-MATH-09: STALGRAPH (2020-22, National Coordinator Argentina: F. Bonomo, National Coordinator France: M. Bonamy)

    Director Chile of FAPESP-ANID Investigación Conjunta 2019/13364-7: Extremal and Structural Graph Theory (2020-22, Director Brazil: C. Fernandes)

    Principal Investigator ANID Basal PIA AFB17001 CMM (2018-21, Director A. Maass)

    Associated researcher CONICYT Basal CMM (2008-13 Director J. San Martin, 2013-18 A. Jofré)

    Associate Investigator Millenium Nucleus Information and Coordination in Networks 2014-17

    National Coordinator Chile of MathAmSud project 13-MATH-07: Algorithmic, Algebraic and Structural Issues on Coloring and Matching Theory of Graphs (2013-14, Director M. Valencia-Pabon)